
2023-09-01 11:57:29 丰彩网 www.gzckhs.com


Choosing the right brand for a dryer:
1. A dryer can be placed in a bedroom, but it is best not to do so. When a dryer is working, it is advisable not to face it directly towards people, and it is not recommended to place it in a bedroom, unless it is only being used for placement and not operation. As it emits radiation, it is not good for human health.

2. When choosing a brand for a dryer, it is best to choose a well-known brand. Dryers from such brands are generally priced above 5000 yuan and can offer various functions such as washing, spinning, and drying, with each function being able to be used separately. Furthermore, many washers also come with automatic weighing features that can automatically measure the weight of the clothes being washed, adjust the water level accordingly, and automatically release the water.

Overall, it is important to consider the placement and brand selection of a dryer to ensure both its functionality and the health and well-being of individuals using it.7188.org